Visitation: daily 9.00 – 20.00 (summer programme), 9.00 – 17.00 (winter programme)
Admission fee: 5 RON (adults), 3 RON (children)
Photo tax: 20 RON
A visit to the museum of ethnography in Constanta is like a visit to a posh and classy art gallery – the only difference is the exhibits are old carpets, embroidery, pottery, wooden household objects, glass icons and exquisite costumes that grandma used to wear or have around the house as we were growing up, objects we never noticed or cared for until they were forever gone.
The collections of the museum cover the entire array of ethnographic collections normally exhibited around the country: pottery, metal, glass and wood icons, national costumes, carpets and rugs, embroidery, textiles, household objects made of wood, pottery, or metal. The attractiveness of the museum comes from the airy, comfortable feeling the visitor gets – you are not overwhelmed with information, numbers, scientific classifications or traditions unheard of even by Romanians who know a thing or two about the countryside. You are just invited to walk around and subtly motivated to continue your exploration by the clever arrangement of items. Definitely worth seeing is the collection of 18th – 19th centuries Transylvanian glass icons in the central hallway and the breath-taking collection of women’s costumes on the first floor. The regional additions of Turkish and Aromanian jewellery, buckles and belts round up the visit reminding the visitor of the particular nature of the region around Constanta.
The building housing the museum is a historic monument built in 1893 in Neo-Romanian style. Used as the town hall and then as the major post office of Constanta, it became the museum of ethnography in the 1970s. The beautiful restoration of the building preserved some of the initial interior decorations such as a wonderful stucco ceiling in some of the rooms on the upper floor. Check out the gift shop downstairs as well to complete a wonderful way to spend an hour with your family or friends on one of your visits to Constanta.
The collections of the museum cover the entire array of ethnographic collections normally exhibited around the country: pottery, metal, glass and wood icons, national costumes, carpets and rugs, embroidery, textiles, household objects made of wood, pottery, or metal. The attractiveness of the museum comes from the airy, comfortable feeling the visitor gets – you are not overwhelmed with information, numbers, scientific classifications or traditions unheard of even by Romanians who know a thing or two about the countryside. You are just invited to walk around and subtly motivated to continue your exploration by the clever arrangement of items. Definitely worth seeing is the collection of 18th – 19th centuries Transylvanian glass icons in the central hallway and the breath-taking collection of women’s costumes on the first floor. The regional additions of Turkish and Aromanian jewellery, buckles and belts round up the visit reminding the visitor of the particular nature of the region around Constanta.
The building housing the museum is a historic monument built in 1893 in Neo-Romanian style. Used as the town hall and then as the major post office of Constanta, it became the museum of ethnography in the 1970s. The beautiful restoration of the building preserved some of the initial interior decorations such as a wonderful stucco ceiling in some of the rooms on the upper floor. Check out the gift shop downstairs as well to complete a wonderful way to spend an hour with your family or friends on one of your visits to Constanta.
Vizitare: zilnic 9.00 – 20.00 (vara), 9.00 – 17.00 (iarna)
Taxa intrare: 5 RON (adulti), 3 RON (copii)
Taxa fotografiere: 20 RON
O vizita la Muzeul de etnografie din Constanta este ca o vizita la o galerie de arta scumpa si eleganta – singura diferenta este ca exponatele sunt covoare vechi, broderii, ceramica, obiecte de uz caznic facute din lemn, icoane pe sticla si fine costume nationale, adica obiecte pe care bunica le avea pe langa casa sau le purta cand eram noi copii, obiecte pe care nu le-am obsevat atunci si pe care nu le-am valorizat pana cand nu au disparut complet.
Colectiile muzeului acopera intreaga gama de exponate de obicei expuse in toate muzeele de profil din tara: ceramica, obiecte din metal, icoane pe sticla si lemn, costume nationale, covoare si scoarte, broderii, textile, obiecte de uz caznic din lem, metal sau ceramica. Atractivitatea muzeului vine din senzatia de aerisit, de comfort pe care o are vizitatorul – nu esti coplesit cu informatie, numere, statistici, clasificari stiintifice sau prezentari de traditii si obiceiuri de care nu au auzit nici macar romanii care mai stiu cate ceva despre satul romanesc. Pur si simplu esti invitat sa te plimbi prin muzeu si motivat sa continui explorarea in mod subtil prin aranjamentul inteligent al exponatelor. Interesanta este colectia de icoane pe sticla din Transilvania din secolele XVII – XIX din holul central al muzeului si mai ales pretioasele costume feminine expuse in salile de la etaj. Colectiile regionale de bijuterii, cordoane si catarame turcesti si aromane intregesc vizita si amintesc vizitatorului de specificul zonei Constantei.
Cladirea care gazduieste muzeul este un monument istoric, fiind construita in 1893 in stil neo-romanesc. Folosita ca primarie si apoi ca sediu al postei, a devenit muzeul de etnografie in anii 1970. Restaurarea cladirii a pastrat cateva dintre elementele de design interior initiale, printre care tavanul camerelor de la etaj. Magazinul de la parter este o completare fericita a colectiilor muzeului, care se prezinta ca o modalitate placuta de a petrece o ora cu familia sau cu prietenii intr-o vizita la Constanta.
Colectiile muzeului acopera intreaga gama de exponate de obicei expuse in toate muzeele de profil din tara: ceramica, obiecte din metal, icoane pe sticla si lemn, costume nationale, covoare si scoarte, broderii, textile, obiecte de uz caznic din lem, metal sau ceramica. Atractivitatea muzeului vine din senzatia de aerisit, de comfort pe care o are vizitatorul – nu esti coplesit cu informatie, numere, statistici, clasificari stiintifice sau prezentari de traditii si obiceiuri de care nu au auzit nici macar romanii care mai stiu cate ceva despre satul romanesc. Pur si simplu esti invitat sa te plimbi prin muzeu si motivat sa continui explorarea in mod subtil prin aranjamentul inteligent al exponatelor. Interesanta este colectia de icoane pe sticla din Transilvania din secolele XVII – XIX din holul central al muzeului si mai ales pretioasele costume feminine expuse in salile de la etaj. Colectiile regionale de bijuterii, cordoane si catarame turcesti si aromane intregesc vizita si amintesc vizitatorului de specificul zonei Constantei.
Cladirea care gazduieste muzeul este un monument istoric, fiind construita in 1893 in stil neo-romanesc. Folosita ca primarie si apoi ca sediu al postei, a devenit muzeul de etnografie in anii 1970. Restaurarea cladirii a pastrat cateva dintre elementele de design interior initiale, printre care tavanul camerelor de la etaj. Magazinul de la parter este o completare fericita a colectiilor muzeului, care se prezinta ca o modalitate placuta de a petrece o ora cu familia sau cu prietenii intr-o vizita la Constanta.