The coffee with the name of a prime-minister is the only type of coffee invented in Romania and it was the favourite coffee at the high life coffee shops and restaurants in Bucharest after WWI.
The name comes from Alexandru Marghiloman (1854 – 1925), Romanian politician and former prime-minister of the Conservative Party who was very fond of the brown drink and its revitalizing effects. Legend has it that, while out hunting with his friends, Marghiloman asked his butler for a cup of coffee. Out of water, the butler had to improvise and used cognac to make the coffee. This is how “marghiloman” coffee was born. Typically Romanian, this coffee is a mixture of Turkish and French influences – the essence of Romania at the turn of the century. It is actually Turkish coffee boiled with French cognac instead of water. Sometimes Jamaican rum can be used.
Very soon this special mixture caught on – politicians and intellectuals used to drink it at expensive restaurants in Bucharest such as Capsa or Hanul lui Manuc. It is served in small cups called “filigeana”. Today you can also drink it in Constanta.
The name comes from Alexandru Marghiloman (1854 – 1925), Romanian politician and former prime-minister of the Conservative Party who was very fond of the brown drink and its revitalizing effects. Legend has it that, while out hunting with his friends, Marghiloman asked his butler for a cup of coffee. Out of water, the butler had to improvise and used cognac to make the coffee. This is how “marghiloman” coffee was born. Typically Romanian, this coffee is a mixture of Turkish and French influences – the essence of Romania at the turn of the century. It is actually Turkish coffee boiled with French cognac instead of water. Sometimes Jamaican rum can be used.
Very soon this special mixture caught on – politicians and intellectuals used to drink it at expensive restaurants in Bucharest such as Capsa or Hanul lui Manuc. It is served in small cups called “filigeana”. Today you can also drink it in Constanta.
Cafeaua cu nume de prim – ministru este singurul fel de cafea inventat in Romania si, pe vremuri, dupa primul razboi mondial, era preferata la cafenele si restaurantele de lux din Bucuresti. Numele cafelei vine de la promotorul ei, Alexandru Marghiloman (1854 – 1925), politician si prim-minstru al partidului Conservator, care era un mare iubitor al licorii maronii. Se spune ca, in timp ce era la vanatoare cu prietenii, acesta i-a cerut valetului cafea. Pentru ca ramasese fara apa, valetul a improvizat si a folosit coniac in loc de apa. Asa s-a nascut ‘marghilomana’. Tipic pentru Romania la inceput de secol XX, aceasta e un amestec de influente turcesti si franceze – de fapt ‘marghilomana’ e cafea turceasca fiarta cu coniac in loc de apa. Se poate folosi si rom jamaican. In curand, acest amestec special a prins la public – politicienii si oamenii de vaza ai vremii obisnuiau sa serveasca o marghilomana in cesti mici fara toarta numite „filigeana” la capsa sau hanul lui Manuc.
Azi se poate bea si in Constanta – la The Coffee Shop in Piata Ovidiu.
Azi se poate bea si in Constanta – la The Coffee Shop in Piata Ovidiu.