Visitation: daily 9.00 – 20.00
Admission fee: 10 RON (adults), 5 RON (children), free for children under 5
Visitors with young children, visitors looking for another way to spend the afternoon in Constanta, or just inhabitants of the city looking for peace and quiet, are all in for a pleasant surprise. The Danube Delta Micro-Reservation is an amazingly affordable alternative for an afternoon outing.
Relatively new, the micro-reservation was created in 1985 as an educational project with the purpose of presenting the amazing wealth of the natural environment of the region of Dobrudja. Today, it covers an area of 6 hectares (out of which 2 hectares of lake) and presents the visitor with a mini-zoo, an exotic birds exhibition, an astronomic observatory and a dolphin show. The mini-zoo displays almost 50 different indigenous species of birds and mammals. The pelicans and majestic swans on the lake are among the most popular species on display, even though the young visitors seem to be more attracted by the wild boars or deers. The astronomic observatory is an useful introduction into the study of astronomy children will most likely enjoy. The dolphin show is the main attraction, of course, with dolphins Chen-Chen and Ni-Ni looking forward to performing in the new enlarged building the municipality is currently constructing. For the moment, the show takes place three times a day with the extra attraction of swimming with the dolphins for those willing to pay the extra fee. Also among the latest investments, there is the new horse-riding track being developed for the visitors, which will certainly be one of the highlights of future visits.
Vizitare: zilnic 9.00 – 20.00
Taxa intrare: 10 RON (adulti), 5 RON (copii), gratuit pentru copii sub 5 ani
Vizitatorii cu copii mici, vizitatorii care cauta o alta modalitate de a mai petrece o dupa-amiaza la mare, sau pur si simplu constantenii doritori de liniste si pace, cu totii vor avea o surpriza placuta. Micro-Rezervatia Deltei Dunarii este o alternativa surprinzator de ieftina pentru o iesire de-o dupa-amiaza.
Relativ noua, micro-rezervatia a fost creata in 1985 ca un proiect educativ menit sa prezinte uimitoarea bogatie a habitatului dobrogean. Astazi acopera o suprafata de 6 hectare (din care 2 ha luciu de apa) si incanta vizitatorii cu o mini-gradina zoologica, o expozitie de pasari exotice, un planetariu si un delfinariu. Mini-gradina zoologica se mandreste cu aproape 50 de specii diferite de pasari si mamifere, cele mai multe specii intalnite in habitatul dobrogean. Pelicanii si maiestoasele lebede de pe lac se numara printre cele mai populare specii, desi tinerii vizitatori par sa fie atrasi mai mult de exemplarele de porc mistret si cerb lopatar. Planetariul se constituie intr-o interesanta lectie introductiva in astronomie, pe care copiii cu siguranta o vor considera placuta. Bineinteles ca delfinariul este atractia principala, cu delfinii Chen-Chen si Ni-Ni asteptand cu nerabdare sa isi desfasoare activitatea in noul delfinariu modern pe care autoritatile il costruiesc. Pentru moment, spectacolul are loc de trei ori pe zi, si exista si posibiltatea de a inota cu delfinii pentru cei care doresc. Printre ultimele investitii ale autoritatilor se numara si noul hipodrom, care cu siguranta va fi preferatul copiilor cand va fi terminat.