Built high up on a sea-wall overlooking the marina, there stands a white imposing villa that attracts the eye of both visitors and locals and conjures up images of oriental tales – the Shutzu Villa. In 1889, Mihail C. Shutzu, representative of an illustrious noble family of Romania, decided to build his summer residence on the shores of the Black Sea on the spot where a smaller family house used to stand. The building was designed by architect G. Cerchez and it impresses today by its Moorish style and oriental architectural details – the exterior gallery with Moorish columns, the dome roof and the interior decorations of the rooms in the style of the oriental palaces of Damascus and Istanbul.
Before the construction of Tomis marina and the expansion of the beach in the 1960s, the villa used to stand romantically right on the high cliff overlooking the Black Sea. Adding to its aura of fairy tale, there used to be a spiral staircase that connected the villa to the small beach at the foot of the cliff – today the remains of this spiral staircase wrapped in old ivy leaves are still visible. Old local people used to tell stories about the owner, Mihail Shutzu, standing on the gallery terrace with his big size dog, watching the golf and the waves.
Just like the other beautiful buildings of the city, the villa was confiscated by the communist regime and it functioned as the headquarters of various institutions including The Consulate of the Czech Republic and the Appeal Court in Constanta. Given back to its rightful owners, we can only hope that it will be restored to its former glory.

Construita pe un mal inalt deasupra portului Tomis, impozanta vila de culoare alba numita vila Sutu atrage instantaneu privirile turistilor si ale localnicilor si evoca povesti orientale. In 1889, Mihail C. Sutu, reprezentant al unei ilustre familii nobiliare din Romania, decide sa isi construiasca o resendinta de vara la malul Marii Negre, pe locul unde se afla deja o resedinta mai mica a familiei. Cladirea a fost proiectata de arhitectul G. Cerchez si impresioneaza si astazi prin stilul maur al constructiei si prin detaliile arhitectonice orientale – o galerie exterioara cu coloane maure, acoperisul sub forma de cupola si decoratiile interioare in stilul palatelor orientale din Damasc si Istanbul.
Inainte de construirea portului Tomis si extinderea plajii Modern in anii 60, vila se afla exact deasupra marii, situata romantic pe faleza inalta. Completand aura de poveste orientala, pe fatada dinspre mare se afla o scara in spirala care permitea accesul la o mica plaja de la piciorul falezei – astazi se mai vede inca aceasta scara in ruine acoperita de frunzele de iedera care imbraca fatada. Localnicii batrani spuneau povesti despre proprietar, Mihail Sutu, care statea impreuna cu un caine de talie mare in galeria maura si privea golful si valurile marii.
Ca toate celelalte cladiri minunate ale orasului, vila Sutu a fost confiscata de comunisti si folosita pentru mai multe institutii printre care Consulatul Ceh si Curtea de apel Constanta. Retrocedata proprietarilor de drept, cu totii speram ca va fi restaurata asa cum se cuvine si ii va fi redata gloria de odinioara