The statue of Prometheus high up on a mountain top overlooking the Vidraru dam is one of the most iconic images of communist Romania. Even today, 25 years after the fall of communism in Romania, the complex surprises the visitor in true communist style by its sheer size – the gigantic statue seems small compared to the 100 m high by 300 m long dam, deemed no. 5 in Europe when it was built in 1965, and to the immensity of the 1000 ha of water surface it holds upstream.
The statue is the creation of sculptor Constantin Popovici and is a fine example of massive socialist statues aimed at celebrating the achievements of communism. Prometheus is said to have been the titan who revealed the secret of fire to the mortals and in this way attracted the wrath of Zeus upon himself. The punishment was fierce: he was chained to a mountain top and every day an eagle would come and feast on his liver, which would regenerate the next day. The statue near Vidraru dam represents Prometheus with lightning in his hands, a symbol of the electrical power produced at the underground plant built together with the dam in 1965. Symbolically, Prometheus gives electricity to the people in the valley of the Arges River. Today it is a must-see stop on the way to the gorgeous Transfagarasan road and is still impressive in all its symbolical meaning.

Statuia lui Prometeu pe varful unui munte deasupra barajului Vidraru este una dintre cele mai reprezentative imagini al Romaniei comuniste. Chiar si astazi, 25 de ani de la caderea comunismului, complexul surprinde in autentic stil socialist prin dimensiuni – gigantica statuie reuseste sa para cumva minuscula in comparatie cu barajul inalt de 100 de metri si lung de 300 de metri, considerat al cincilea ca marime din Europa cand a fost construit in 1965, si cu cele peste 1000 de hectare de luciu de apa, cat are lacul de acumulare. 
Statuia este creatia sculptorului Constantin Popovici si este un bun exemplu de arta socialista masiva ce avea drept scop celebrarea triumfului comunismului. Prometeus a fost titanul care a adus focul pamantenilor si astfel a atras mania lui Zeus asupra sa. Pedeapsa a fost ingrozitoare: Prometeu a fost legat de o stanca si in fiecare zi un vultur venea si ii manca ficatul, care se regenera pana a doua zi. Statuia de la barajul Vidraru il prezinta pe Prometeu cu fulgere in maini, un simbol al electricitatii produse in hidrocentrala subterana construita o data cu barajul in 1965. In mod simbolic, Prometeu ofera electricitate oamenilor de pe valea Argesului. Astazi este o oprire obligatorie pe drumul spre minunatul Transfagarasan si inca impresioneaza prin simbolistica ei.