Born in Constanta in 1905 in a Jewish family Hari Goldstein is one of the most prolific architects of the city in the 1930’s. He designed many buildings the locals have come to regard as some of the most representative buildings in the city today. His creations are very good examples of art deco buildings and his favourite themes are the boat and the sea – visible, for example, in two neighbouring buildings on Pushkin Street. The same Mediterranean influence is recognizable in other houses in the historical district of Constanta designed by the same architect – for example in the gorgeous villa on Mircea Street next to Ibis Hotel or the one across the street from the Jewish synagogue.
Hari Goldstein’s most remarkable creation in was the former Carlton (Continental) Hotel, unfortunately demolished at the beginning of the 1990s.
Hari Goldstein’s most remarkable creation in was the former Carlton (Continental) Hotel, unfortunately demolished at the beginning of the 1990s.

Nascut in Constanta in 1905 intr-o familie evreiasca, Hari Goldstein este unul dintre cei mai prolifici arhitecti ai orasului in anii 1930. El a creat multe dintre cladirile pe care localnicii astazi au ajuns sa le priveaca ca pe unele dintre cele mai reprezentative cladiri din oras.
Creatiile sale sunt bune exemple de cladiri in stil art-deco, iar temele sale preferate sunt vaporul si marea, vizibile, de exemplu, in doua vile vecine de pe strada Puskin. Aceleasi influente mediteraneene sunt usor de recunoscut in alte cladiri din centrul istoric al Constantei - de exemplu, intr-o vila superba de pe strada Mircea, langa hotel Ibis sau cea de pe strada Dianei, langa Sinagoga.
Cea mai importanta creatie a lui Hari Goldstein a fost hotel Carlton (Continental), din nefericire demolata la inceputul anilor 1990.
Creatiile sale sunt bune exemple de cladiri in stil art-deco, iar temele sale preferate sunt vaporul si marea, vizibile, de exemplu, in doua vile vecine de pe strada Puskin. Aceleasi influente mediteraneene sunt usor de recunoscut in alte cladiri din centrul istoric al Constantei - de exemplu, intr-o vila superba de pe strada Mircea, langa hotel Ibis sau cea de pe strada Dianei, langa Sinagoga.
Cea mai importanta creatie a lui Hari Goldstein a fost hotel Carlton (Continental), din nefericire demolata la inceputul anilor 1990.